Birthday Plans
Its my birthday in a couple of weeks, to celebrate I've decided I want either: a monkey knife fight or a reinactment of the Holocaust.
Its my birthday in a couple of weeks, to celebrate I've decided I want either: a monkey knife fight or a reinactment of the Holocaust.
I found the following somewhere on my travels about the interweb, I find it funny, but I'd laugh at an abortion:
Greetings foul denzins of the interweb, another piece of liter-rhoea is ejected from my mind in a warm brown splosh. On the subject of blogs I suggest you read this as its quite amusing. I suggest you check out the rest of the site, its quite amusing. If somewhat tastless, which is exactly how I like my humour. Black and sweet, with whiskey and a bun.
A Blog Meme, whatever next. Just some free association.
I'm lazy, I know. I've still no job and am having the inital pangs of panic and self doubt that come from having no foreseeable income. But heyho, it could be worse.