Monday, August 29, 2005

Fun, Fun, Oh Baby!

Did you know that the version of 'Rock & Roll Highschool' on 'End of the Century' is slightly different to the version on the 'Anthology' CD? Yes indeed, the version on 'EotC' has the playground sounds and chord Phil Spector angsted over and drove Johnny crazy.

Funny stuff huh?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Plinky, plinky

Greetings Internet miscrients! How are things? I've done quite alot since my last post so I'll list them in no particular order...

Ventured to Dublin to see Marky Ramone and Antiproduct with Stephen, much merriment was had by all.

I turned 25, in that I had a birthday. I didn't literally turn into a '25' as that would be crazy and violate the laws of physics and common sense.

I received some most excellent presents, again in no particualr order, a harmonica, a most excellent bound copy of Darth Vaders blog (thanks again Steveo), a surround sound system, some smarties, a hardback book about Sandman, mucho cash from the family, and some other stuff that I won't bore you with. Suffice to say I got losts of good stuff.

I went for an interview for manager of a toy shop, stil no word.

I went to Dundalk and had a good time, although I had to have tooth pulled so I'm not in great form at the moment.

Saw 'Dark Water' and was disgusted by its pure-shitness. Its not even badly made it just lacks direction and doesn't do anything. Bah!

I bought a snazzy V3 phone, I have 'Help!' by the Beatles as my ring(o) tone and Cpt, Kirks 'KHHHHHHAAAAAANNNN' from the Wrath of Khan as my message tone. I'm such a geek.

Ugh, thats all for now. I'm off to find some panadol.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Warp City

More! I bought some books the other day. Why? cause I'm a filthy reader. So whay did I get and why should you care? Well Lemme see. Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon. Im expecting a dense but ultimetly satisfying read. Or a good door stop.

More Hunter S. Thompson stuff in the form Songs of the Doomed. Because i'm a freak and like the stuff.

I also picked up a stangely ancient sci-fi book called Drunkards Walk, so i like it already, despite not having a summary on any part of the cover it seems to be about this guy who keeps tring to kill himself even though he doesn't want to die. He does it in his sleep or something. Its by a guy called Frederick Pohl. Check it out.

Stephen has mugged me into going to see Marky Ramone!!!! I say mugged but it was more of a cerfuffle. Excellent.

Sorry to hear about you cats Stephen, but so it goes.