Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Gah and Bah!

I've been busy, so you may noticed that there is a distinct lack of updates. But at the moment I'm wrecked from work so you'll all have to wait till tomorrow to hear the glories of my life.


Blogger Stephen McMullin said...

I was going to berate you for not posting regularly, but now I know what crazy hours you've been working I feel a bit bad! Still, you should forgoe sleep altogether, sit up all night drinking espresso and thinking of wonderful, exciting things to titillate my senses. Or at least keep me occupied for a minute or two and distract me from the misery and drudgery of college life. Ach, I'm rambling. Guess who's supposed to be working hard on a project and isn't? (Clue: It's me.)

11:33 AM  

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