Friday, February 25, 2005

Red Menace

Quick Question. I was fiddling with the layout of my blogs template. Can everyone still see it ok?

The Word

Yo pimps, superfly and otherwise. Regular visitors may have noticed that I deleted that picture of Morpheus. Basically when I posted it I was using Firefox and it looked good. Then after my computer died a slow and painfull death (more on this later) I was forced to use Internet Explorer in yon Internet shoppes and I noticed that the formating was seriously wonky and was putting the picture way down the page. Ho hum. So since I no longer have the luxury time to go buggering about with it I decided to cast it away into the electronic ether. Fear not, though, I'll post it again when all is well and good.

So yes, well, stuff and such happened. Basically my laptop hard drive failed in a spectacular manner and now Im rendered internetless at home. I now find my self watching TV and generally being miserable. I've been in contact with the manufacturers to try and sort it out, but my 12 month warranty is up so I don't hold out much hope of a free solution. Money will have to be spent.

Ah well, it merely speeds up my plans to get a proper desktop system. I've already applied for the loan, so all being good I should have a spanking new pc in a couple of weeks. Oh, and it will be Gods own pc. We're talking Skynet-esq.

So what else is new? Well aside from the above I've been doing nightshifts at work which has messed up my body clock and left me fatigued. I'm actually suprised I'm typing anything at all really.

I tracked down and purchased the wonderful autiobiography of Tom 'Greatest Doctor Who Ever' Baker. Its a joy to read, as anyone familar with his book 'The Boy Who Kicked Pigs' would expect. Interestingly enough I didn't know Tommy was from Liverpool (my 'real' home incidently).

Also on my reading list is Phillip K. Dicks excellent 'The Man in the High Tower' - the story of which revolves around the idea that the Nazis and Japanese won WW2. Scary stuff indeed.

I think thats about it really. I suggest anyone reading this checks out Superflywebpimp's 'The Paragraph Novels' the link of which is to the left of the screen. By the way Superfly, Stephens getting a little freaked out since he hasn't a clue who you are. Not that I do either but thats life.

Toodles for now. Recycle your children!

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Yo peons!

Its been a couple of days since I last posted. But blah blah happens and stuff.

Anyhoo, since my last drizzle of grammatical pre-spunk I've gone an seen Electric Six! I wo't regale you with tales of the night right now. Cos I'm heading out for coffee in a minute. But in my next post I'll fill in the blanks.

I'm going to try and set up a Team Blog for me and my elusive, exclusive and obtusive friend Stephen. Mainly so we can spread the same stuff across more blog pages. Perhaps we'll be spotted by a publishing giant and asked to write the next big thing. Or more lilely we'll get the odd visit from friends and family and the occaisional toss-pot.

Ulp, time to go. Buy war bonds and smoke Chapmens for the troops!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Like some kind of silver tongued subterranean dune buggy

Yo pimps, I tired of perousing the net for crap porno and general japery (is that even a word?) and figured I'd give back to the net I seem to take so much from. Or something.

In excellent news I saw/heard the new Queens of the Stoneage single 'Little Sister'. It not too bad, initally i didn't like it much but it grew after a few listens. Though I think it still suffers from having too much stuff in the background. Much like some of the weaker songs on 'Songs for the Deaf' it could do with having a few of the wails and 'aaaahhhh's' exercised from it to give a much rawer, simpler sound. But what do I know? Im eagerly awaiting the new album with glee. As well as Nine Inch Nails's new album 'With Teeth'. Boohaa!

Tomorrow I open a Credit Union Account. Not the most interesting thing in the world but there you go. I need a separate place to store money so we (me and Clo) can save up for a deposit and rent on a bigger and better flat. So in all liklelyhood I'll be moving to some other part of Galway sometime soon.

I also got my passport at last! Now I'm offically an Irish Citizen and can boldly go on holiday and on planes and stuff. Well I could go on planes before, but it would probably involve a balaclava and cries of 'Praise Allah' or something equally tastless and uninspired. Ho humm.

Anyway its late. I'm tired. Vote Nixon.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


So my last post wasn't truely a post eh? I sense a challenge. Or maybe not, my senses are dulled by lack of REM sleep. Things are creeping into my peripheral vison, snake-like things designed by my enfeebled brain to make me feel as though I'm going mad. Hah! Stupid brain.

Anyhoo, Im here typing away. Went and got uber-wired on strong coffee and small sachets of sugar. I think I've survived the caffine-rush-shakes-then-crash and am well on my way to sleeping like some kind of new-born bipedal land mammal.

Plus the bottle of Wild Turkey next to me will help.

Yum, that tastes good.

Anyway, back to a more serious subject. Or at least a subject that might enthrall and rapture the teeming masses who frequent this most excellent blog.

I saw 'White Noise'at the weekend. Love Michael 'I'm Batman' Keaton, he does a great job of portraying a regular guy. Great at the naturalistic acting. The film itself is........good. Though it does jump the shark towards the end, the ending is a bit of a cop-out. Great suspense and good shocks throughout. But in the end we get a dodgey Gollum rip off. Still, its a way to spend a couple of hours.

Also I'm looking forward to seeing Electric Six next week. Whoo!

Now, thats a post with more meat on its bones. Till the next time.


Fuckitty fuck fuck

I just penned (typed) an rather large and intersting post or this blog-o-mine. And as luck would have it the computer ate the damned thing.

Since I'm now creatively spent for the day you'll all have to wait unitl I perk up again for another long haul at it. Mind you I'm off to get wired on excessive amounts of deep, dark, java in an hour or so. So I might come back with another world changing, incredibly mis-spelled, blog post of awesomness. Or more likely I'll come back with a dose of the shakes and in need of a bit of a lie down.

Till then check out these links if you already haven't: