Saturday, May 14, 2005

Davros Must Be Destroyed

Yo, I just finished watching 'Genesis of the Daleks' - a classic piece of Doctor Who televisual brilliance. It was even edited to remove the episode breaks so it was like watching one big Doctor Who movie. Except without Paul 'I' McGann or Peter 'Grand Moff Tarkin' Cushing. Tis all good.

As you can see from looking about my blog I've joined AdSense. Prepare to be enticed by marketing genius. Or more likely by utter pap.

Theres also a hit counter there as well which depressingly shows me how few people actually read this stuff.

Ah Declan, fret ye not me old amigo. I'll have your book and washing stuff sent up as soon as the winds turn in my favour. You'll have your things back before you can say Smegma.

Indeed, I saw Sin City and am in better form to talk about it. From a visual aspect its stunning, the images seem to bleed from the screen. As far as sticking close to the source goes it does so with ease. Having read some of the Graphic Novels I can safely say its damned faithful. Acting wise its good too. Though the acting is understandably cheesey in some respects, but in a cheesey comic book monolgue kinda way. The fact that theres three story lines a'la 'Pulp Fiction' isn't disconcerting or anything, but because of their nature and because they are cramming so much in, for me anyway, it makes the film seem not like a film. More like they deliberatly edited them up so as to stretch out the film. It'd be beter if they were just played in order and un-chopped up. But I don't make movies so what do I know? Interestingly the film is dominated by gravelly voiced people. Sonically its like listening to cement mixers.

8 out of 10.

I think I'll listen to the voice in my head and gun down the pope......errr...i mean go to sleep, yeah thats it sleep....

zzzzzz...must. kill. Pope.


Blogger Stephen McMullin said...

Davros, it is true, must be destroyed. But not too quickly! We want some excitement first...

Sin City... I want to see it. It just looks so cool. I watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow the other night, which is shot in a similar CGI environment. The film makes no bloddy sense - but it looks so fantastic that you can almost forgive Jude Law for being alive.

Yes, I'm looking forward to that one...

Got another Rob Grant book, Colony. It's pretty good. Takes about five minutes (spot the deliberate exaggeration) to read, but I'll whizz it off to you when my mind reminds me.

Um... Off I go to do... Something...

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheers for that Paul,

much appreciated.
Glad to hear good things about Sin City. Had some muchrooms other night and when I tried to go to sleep, I kept falling into Sin City. No joking. Each time I closed my eyes, the world went comic shaped and
all those who spoke did so in speech bubbles. Very disconcerting, but then, that's muchrooms for ya!

2:58 PM  

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