Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Is Charlie Dimmock a living metaphor for piss sex?

Well you try comming up with a decent string of word after being in the waking world for at least 30 hours. Things take on a different sheen al right. The best thing to do is just have a few beers and crank up the White Zombie to ear bleeding level and hope for the best.

Incidently I'm now the proud owner of a hardbacked first edition of Hey Rube, Hunter S Thompsons 'last' book before his tragic death. Backed up with a hardbacked editon of Fear and Loathing in America; vol2 of his letters and such.

I saw Revenge of the Sith today. Pretty good. it almost make up for the evil of the previous two films. Though I don't see why he didn't pick this period in Anakins life and stretch that out for three movies. Apparently you can fall to the dark side in the space of an afternoon.

Thats it for now, everythings fuzzy and pink.


Blogger Stephen McMullin said...

I have an excuse for not blogging, what's yours?

For some reason I can't work blogger in this prehistoric shit-hole, so i'm unable to propagate my views on things such as...



What a great fucking movie!

I was so impressed by it's ability to be BETTER than the hype! Such a cool piece of film. Still haven't seen Sin City yet though. So I feel like a loser.

I'm thinking of a solution to my blog problem. Perhaps if I email you my ramblings and give you my password and so on you could do it from your SkyNet system.

Just a thought...

Talk is stoodgy!

10:32 PM  
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